Monday, June 18, 2007

Drilling My Toe

I should blog more, actually I should always blog more than I do, but I get busy. Right now I think I would rather go read other peoples blogs than blogging myself. Or even better (sorry blogger friends) I think I might read one of the books I am reading right now. But just to put something out there, I drilled my toe yesterday, sounds crazy right! While playing soccer my big toe was SMASHED and all the pressure of the blood under the toe nail was killing me. Everyone told me that I should go to a doctor and get my toenail drilled and relieve the pressure. Well as I have previously blogged, I spend my $60.00 this month on medical just to get a Mole checked I was not going to spend another amount for my toe. Besided my babies shots are due and I should get him in this month also. (Insurance in the US sucks) Back to my toe, so sadly for me, I think, I had a TON of volunteers when I mentioned I would do it myself. First off my new brother-in-law immediately volunteered, Yeah Right! That would bring him to much joy. Then my Mom mentioned her Dad had done it many times, which I seriously considered. (My brother mentioned later how he has the shakes now and that probably wouldn't of been good) My dad got offended that I wouldn't even consider him (after all he is a General Contractor) and my Sister just laughed at me. Well I got home and my husband mentioned that he just took a drill bit and did it himself when he had that problem. Do it myself? To me that sounds like a GREAT idea. After all then if it was painful I could stop. I was going to buy my husband drill bits for Fathers Day from the boys and what better time to do that when I wanted a more sanitary one to go through my toenail. We go pick up drill bits, titanium and all! I pick the smallest one, since I want to be able to wear sandals still and not have everyone notice there is a hole in my nail. After an HOUR later I finally broke through, YEAH!!! My boys weren't sure what I was doing, but I have a feeling they think I am strange! Maybe I'll get a picture of my big toe with a pin dot hole in it now!


elle said...

Ouch! You are very brave to take a power tool to your own toe. I can't even prick my own finger to draw a drop of blood.

Heather said...

It hurt that bad! I ended up not using the power tool though, I hand drilled so that I didn't slip on the button and go to far!!!